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M.Louise Wilson Educational Loan fund

Diane Weggen, Department Chairman

Diane Weggen 2021-2022-1.jpg

The purpose of the Education program is to promote quality education for children and adults through classroom activities, literacy programs, scholarship promotion, support education beyond high school especially for military children, and assist female members of the American Legion Auxiliary through the M. Louise Wilson Educational Loan Fund. The Education program includes focused attention on educational and scholarship opportunities for military children, whether their parents are active duty or reserve; education of school administrators about the unique mental health issues facing children of our military; enhancing respect for the sacrifices of our military heroes among school children by scheduling Veterans in Community Schools programs; and supporting veterans to pursue higher education and vocational education.

Important Dates:​



American Education Week, November 18-22, 2024.



March 1: National scholarship online applications due

March 1: Department scholarship application due to Unit

March 15: Department scholarship application due to Department Chairman (application must be signed by Unit President or Secretary)

April 15: Purple Up! Day for Military Children

May 5-9, 2025: Teacher Appreciation Week

Check back if a link is not active


2024-2025 District Chairmen:


District 1 - Vacant

District 2 - Vacant

District 3 - Vacant

District 4 - Laura Calteux

District 5 - Vacant 

District 6 - Alice Bartow 

​District 7 - Vacant

District 8 - Vacant

District 9 - Vacant

District 10 - Chrys Porter

District 11 - Kay Coates

District 12 - Vacant

2024-2025 National Education Program Awards Deadlines and Submission Requirements

Thank you for taking the time to share a favorite story about the positive impact you or someone you know has had on our mission! Your story may inspire another member into service. It also helps us tell the world who we are, what we do, and why we matter.


Here are the national awards for this committee:


Unit Award: Most Outstanding Unit Education Program in Central Division

  • All unit entries must be submitted to the department chairman by April 1st using the entry form in the Education Program Engagement Plan.


Authorization to Release Personal Information:


Award submissions become property of the American Legion Auxiliary. Through submission of reports and award entries, the submitter grants non-exclusive reproduction and publication rights to the materials submitted and agrees to have their names and submission published for ALA use or commercial use without additional compensation or permission.


Please fill out the information as completely and accurately as possible. Award certificates will be completed using the information provided on the entry form, so please be sure to complete it in its entirety.  Please refer to the webpage for the specific criteria such as photographs, narrative length, submission deadline, and point of contact. All awards will be mailed to the department office after ALA National Convention.

American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin

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