Junior Activities
Dr. Christine Johnsen, Dept Chairman

The purpose of Junior Activities is to interest eligible young women under the age of 18 in adult membership through positive experiences of mission-based volunteer opportunities that instill the ideals of the organization. Membership eligibility requirements are listed in the membership section of this book. The Junior Activities program encourages participation in service projects that serve our military, veterans and their families; promotes awareness of the various scholarship opportunities through the American Legion Auxiliary; and empowers Junior members by seeking their assistance to increase the use of technology (i.e. email, internet, and social networking sites) in promoting Auxiliary programs.
Junior members do not form a separate organization but are members of the American Legion Auxiliary, grouped separately so they may be offered a program appropriate to their age and level of understanding (Group 1: Infant through 8 years; Group 2: 9 through 12 years; Group 3: 13 through 18 years).
Junior groups function as a committee of the unit, selecting their own chairman, but under the guidance of an advisor. Americanism should be their major activity, but all Auxiliary programs can be adapted for their participation. Details regarding Junior Activities are contained in the Junior Activities Handbook, available from the Emblem Sales catalog, 1-888-453-4466 or, or downloaded from the national website ( Other sources of information and assistance are available from the Department Junior Activities Chair or Vice Chair.

2024-2025 Department Honorary Junior Officers
President - Lindsey S. of Unit 6, District 8
Vice President - Virginia C. of Unit 416, District 4
Secretary - Everly B. of Unit 317, District 8
Chaplain - Maddie D. of Unit 416, District 4
Historian - Allison Q. of Unit 317, District 8
Sergeant at Arms - Shine D. of Unit 482, District 3
Sergeant at Arms - Luna L. of Unit 482, District 3
Certificate of Membership​​​
Junior Activities Handbook ​
​Handbook is available for purchase from American Legion Flag & Emblem (item # 355.208) for $1.99 each
Purple level: Pre-School (age 3) through Kindergarten​
Red level: 1st through 4th grade
Gold level: 5th grade through 8th grade
Blue level: 9th grade through 12th grade (or 18 years old)
2024-2025 District Chairmen:
District 1 - Vacant
District 2 - Vacant
District 3 - Vacant
District 4 - Laura Calteux
District 5 - Vacant
District 6 - Vacant
District 7 - Vacant
District 8 - Vacant
District 9 - Vacant
District 10 - Tracy Larson
District 11 - Vacant
District 12 - Vacant
Check back if a link is not active

2024-2025 National Junior Activities Program Awards Deadlines and Submission Requirements
Thank you for taking the time to share a favorite story about the positive impact you or someone you know has had on our mission! Your story may inspire another member into service. It also helps us tell the world who we are, what we do, and why we matter.
Here are the national awards for this committee:
Member Award: Junior Member of the Year
Nominees must have been a Junior at the start of the current ALA administrative year.
Juniors must be at least in eight or eight-grade equivalent and can only win once.
Narrative should detail the Junior nominee’s ALA participation and activities during the past year. Document with photographs, screenshots, and other evidence of Junior’s ALA participation and activities.
All entries must be submitted by March 15th to the Department Chairman.
Unit Award: Best Department Junior Activities Program for Central Division
Narrative not to exceed 1,000 words that includes specific examples of how the unit involved Junior members as part of their unit's programs.
Should include high-resolution action photos, scans/links to news articles, etc.
​All unit entries must be submitted to the department chairman by April 1st using the entry form in the Junior Activities Program Engagement Plan.
Authorization to Release Personal Information:
Award submissions become property of the American Legion Auxiliary. Through submission of reports and award entries, the submitter grants non-exclusive reproduction and publication rights to the materials submitted and agrees to have their names and submission published for ALA use or commercial use without additional compensation or permission.
Please fill out the information as completely and accurately as possible. Award certificates will be completed using the information provided on the entry form, so please be sure to complete it in its entirety. Please refer to the webpage for the specific criteria such as photographs, narrative length, submission deadline, and point of contact. All awards will be mailed to the department office after ALA National Convention.