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Linda Coppock, Department Chairman

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How to video for accessing and using TAL's Action Alert Center 

The American Legion Auxiliary supports the legislative priorities adopted by The American Legion. The American Legion’s Legislative Division in Washington, D.C., keeps abreast of current legislation related to veterans’ benefits, national security, and children and youth. Auxiliary members are encouraged to subscribe to the Legion’s legislative ebulletins to keep the Legion Family aware of legislative issues and the official positions of The American Legion on those issues.

Four action items taken from The American Legion Legislative Action Center website are listed along with a description of each that was taken directly from the website. The sample of what you could write in your letter regarding each issue follows the description, also directly from TAL Legislative Action Center website.  Let our representatives know that we support positive action on the issues of Buddy Checks, Treatment for Exposure to Toxic Substances, GI Bill Parity for all Reserve and National Guard, VA Health Care Access for all World War II veterans.



Other issues on The American Legion legislative agenda include efforts to improve health care for women veterans, guaranteed pay for our Coast Guard in the event of a government shutdown, the expansion of broadband capabilities and services for veterans in remote areas to better meet their health care needs, and citizenship for veteran immigrants for honorable service in our military.


Contacting our elected representatives regarding issues important to our veterans and their welfare is a significant part of our commitment to participate in and contribute to the aims and purposes of The American Legion, as stated in the preamble to our constitution.

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American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin

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